Therapy for Older Adults

Therapy For Older Adults

Finally getting out of the rat race – a dream, right?

Throughout his 40+ year career, John had defined himself by the status and success he enjoyed as a producer working with many of the biggest names in the music and film industry. He relished having strangers ask him what he did professionally.

After all that success, he certainly didn’t need to work – and he began looking forward to something different – what everyone dreams of – retirement.

But in his seventies, when he finally said goodbye to a successful career, he experienced grief, unlike anything he’d ever felt before.

So, at his daughter’s suggestion, he reached out to us after making one of the most significant changes any of us will ever make.

Exploring uncharted territory…

Working with us, John explored his fears, grief, and uneasiness regarding his transition into retirement.

He didn’t want retirement to mean “Stop.” He wanted to go forward – but where? How?

As we continued to probe and reflect, John found areas of interest where he could invest his talent and effort.

Now a substitute teacher in his local school district, John once again feels invigorated and revitalized. He enjoys the respect and admiration of others – not because of his status – but because of the genuine care and support that he offers his colleagues and students. To boot, he’s now being considered for a teaching position at a very prestigious school for the arts.

John describes the work he’s done at Integral as transformative and continues to look forward to his weekly sessions.

Therapy For Older Adults

A natural evolution…

All life transitions are natural reflection points that allow you to go deeper and think more broadly than you could otherwise.

Therapy for older adults focuses on the conflicts that arise with aging.

Transitioning into retirement, grieving the death of loved ones, coping with illness, or grappling with spiritual issues, this stage of life offers two overarching choices.

Will you stagnate? Or will you continue to contribute to the betterment of the world?

Will you settle for despair? Or will you continue to live your life with satisfaction?

Finding your next frontier…

Perhaps you’ll come to gain insight into your life’s path and what the next chapter holds for you.

Whatever you need, our therapy sessions will flourish with rich content, interesting life stories, and insight from a life well lived – but not finished.

Reach out today at (732) 825-7729. Let’s unfold what the future holds for you.